Is it okay to feed a grown dog a chicken bone?

Some say bones are not good for dogs but mine love them.

    Is it okay to feed a grown dog a chicken bone?

    Some say bones are not good for dogs but mine love them....
    General Dog Discussions : Is it okay to feed a grown dog a chicken bone?...

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    • Bone could splinter and stick in your dog's throat and kill him. And if that doesn't get him, dogs that have eaten chicken bones and have a sort of concrete stool that they are having great difficulty passing. Stool softeners help sometimes, some dogs just go ahead and tough it out and strain until they pass the stool and other dogs we have to give enemas to or remove the stool manually. So far, in eighteen years of practice, I have not seen an intestinal or gastric perforation or other serious problem I could relate to chicken bones. Just the really hard stool problem.

    • They all will love them but chicken bone are the worst type of bone to give a dog. They can splinter and cause the dog to choke. Sometimes they will splinter and it will be sometime later after the dog has digested the bones and something can go wrong with a bone being lodged somewhere.It does not matter if the dog is grown or not. Steak bones, pork chop bones, no bones are good for dogs.I don't give my dogs any kind of bones. No bones, no table food.They only eat good quality nutritional dog food. That is all a dog really need and water, of course.They get doggie treats but no table food and bones.Since you say they like the bones, I hope you take advice and stop giving them to your dogs. You will feel terrible if something goes terribly wrong because they ate chicken bones and choked to death.

    • I have had dogs all of my life. Veterinarians have advised me that when dogs chew bones, little splinters and pieces of the bone may pierce a dogs intestine or stomach. It could also become caught in the dog's throat. This could cause your precious companion a lot of discomfort, or even death!Dogs tend not to show discomfort unless it is very serious so we as their human caregivers may not be aware of a problem right away.The only REAL bones I have given to my dogs over the years have been very large "ball and socket joint" bones from cattle and these must be WITHOUT a lot of FAT around them. They should also be cooked in boiling water. This will "cook" away the fat, and also cook the marrow inside the bone which dogs love.......feeding your dog excess amounts of fat can also cause him/her to develop diarrhea (the runs, or the trots).....Now, as for those thin little chicken bones........they are thin, and when a dog chews one they break in very sharp splinters indeed! Pork chop bones and steak bones are also very sharp when broken by a dog's teeth.So, please.........DO treat your dog to dog biscuits, or other treats recommended by your Veterinarian.....your dog may even have some allergies........... but NOT BONES........unless the Vet says so......Thank you........

    • Never give your dog cooked bones. Always only give raw bones. As for chicken. Only give them raw wings and necks. (yhe necks are good for their teeth by the way)If you are unsure about it check with you Vet to make sure.

    • I was visiting my dad this weekend and my female husky and female german shepherd ate chicken bones, along with other parts of the chicken, but they left the feet, the beak and that ugly red thing, oh, and several piles of feathers in various places through his yard. Usually only the husky hunts and kills things to eat, but this time the shepherd was helping. It's perfectly natural for a dog to eat any type of bone that hasn't been cooked, and since I don't let my dogs play with matches I'm pretty sure the chicken was raw. My dad did put all the chickens back in the coop after we found the evidence of a slaughter.