Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier?

The least common? Why are they so ranked?Regional differences? Current fads?"Work" for terriers is IN-GROUND=bay/bolt or dispatch & draw formidable quarry.Airedales don't,never did,work.

    Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier?

    The least common? Why are they so ranked?Regional differences? Current fads?"Work" for terriers is IN-GROUND=bay/bolt or dispatch & draw formidable quarry.Airedales don't,never did,work....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier?...

    • Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier?

      Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      The least common? Why are they so ranked?Regional differences? Current fads?"Work" for terriers is IN-GROUND=bay/bolt or dispatch & draw formidable quarry.Airedales don't,never did,work.

      Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier?

      Do you know the most commonly used breed of working terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have no idea. Can I take a stab at it? Most common...Airedale. Least common...Dandie Dinmont. Ranked because of region, maybe? As for fads....Parson Russel Terrier, Am Staff, Yorkie, Westie. I don't know crap about Terriers, so let the thumbs down begin. Hey, at least I tried. Are you going to give us the answers so we can learn?Add: Well, then I think the Airedale should be transported to the working group, for what I had in mind, anyway. lol