What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful?

I really want a dog for my b-day and im trying to convince my mum to get me one, she IS alergic but takes medication, I do not want a poodle or any dog that hardley has any fur. Know any good dogs? <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /> please help!

    What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful?

    I really want a dog for my b-day and im trying to convince my mum to get me one, she IS alergic but takes medication, I do not want a poodle or any dog that hardley has any fur. Know any good dogs? <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /> please help!...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful?...

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    • What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful?

      What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful? Dog Breed Discussions
      I really want a dog for my b-day and im trying to convince my mum to get me one, she IS alergic but takes medication, I do not want a poodle or any dog that hardley has any fur. Know any good dogs? :) please help!

      What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful?

      What type of dog dosnt shed too much, is medium/large in size and is friendly and playful? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Soft Coated Wheaten TerrierAiredale TerrierPortuguese Water DogIrish Water SpanielSchnauzer (Standard)Just a few examples....Also, remember that just because a dog doesn't shed much, doesn't mean that it will be easier on the allergies. It all depends on the dog's dander, which every dog has and "releases". As for poodle mixes, mixing a high-shedding dog (lab or similar) to a poodle does not make it a low-shedder.

    • dachshunds . they are so perfect for family's. if u have young children who are scared of the dark or don't want to sleep alone this dog is perfect, they love cuddling. mine sleeps in my room every night shes 13 and still is going strong. plus they hardly shed at all.

    • Woodle ( super friendly wavy hair and about 40 pounds)These are amazing dogs and super friendly they are a mix of poodle and wheaton terrier... I know you don't want a poodle but these are amazing dogs!Here are 2 links one to a whoodle sitehttp://www.whoodlesofraisintree.com/And one to dog breed websitehttp://www.justdogbreeds.com/dog-breeds.html