whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs?

i want one that when it gets hair on it its not going to stick inside the comforter please no stupid answers like u dont need to let ure dogs sleep with you i love my doggies and enjoy them and im not kicking them out .so if u have a negative thing to…

    whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs?

    i want one that when it gets hair on it its not going to stick inside the comforter please no stupid answers like u dont need to let ure dogs sleep with you i love my doggies and enjoy them and im not kicking them out .so if u have a negative thing to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs?...

    • whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs?

      whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
      i want one that when it gets hair on it its not going to stick inside the comforter please no stupid answers like u dont need to let ure dogs sleep with you i love my doggies and enjoy them and im not kicking them out .so if u have a negative thing to comment or say please keep to ureself thanks

      whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs?

      whats the best fabric when buying a comforter for a person who has dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Groomers wear nylon aprons and jackets. Hair doesn't stick to nylon or crinkle nylon.Hair doesn't stick very well (some will) to denim.I don't remember what veterinarians' jackets are made of (you could call one and ask) but they seem to remain hair-free as well.Anything fuzzy or with wool in it will be a hair magnet.

    • all i know is don't get fleece lol, or anything like that. Get anything that can be easily washed in hot water (yes hot, i wash my comforter in hot water every so often to kill allergens, and it removes a lot of the hair, if not all of it.)

    • I would say a fabric with a very close flat weave like pure cotton or linen. I also find that a one of those sticky roller brushes are good at removing hair from cotton and linen. I used to use a lovely fleecy one which was great when my schnauzer was alive because they don't shed, but my current girl (Akbash) is a nightmare!! ps Mıne have always slept with me too !!