knowledgeable dog breed people, can you help?

ok i want to adopt a puppy but would like suggestions on different dog breeds that you think may suit me (i will resarch them more to see) info: looking for a large breed dogam going to take him to the horse boarding barn with melike short coati am able…

    knowledgeable dog breed people, can you help?

    ok i want to adopt a puppy but would like suggestions on different dog breeds that you think may suit me (i will resarch them more to see) info: looking for a large breed dogam going to take him to the horse boarding barn with melike short coati am able…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : knowledgeable dog breed people, can you help?...

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    • A lab or lab mix are great dogs. Adopt one from a shelter! They're the best!

    • labradors are great dogs. I have one that is mixed with a golden retriever. She is great. won't run away,always happy,and very smart. I also have a siberian husky. but i warn you! you would not want to get one unless you have a suitable fence that is VERY VERY difficult to dig,chew,or jump over. They like to find ways to escape and once they have it is so hard to catch them. They will run for 100miles then stop when they get tired and lay down. they love to run and excersise and they are very friendly, but they are very rotten and get into things. i would say you are better of with a lab though. they are great, but this breed has hip problems and tend to get over weight easily.

    • There are many larger sized dogs at your local humane society or shelter looking for homes.While it is exciting to purchase a puppy, there are benefits to adopting an adult dog, for example, you can understand their personality.However, if you don't feel interested in selecting one from a shelter, here are my suggestions.- Flat-Coated Retriever.- Malinois. (they somewhat resemble a german shepard)- Tervueren. (they do have a longer coat, but they are stunning!)- Austrailian Shepard. (I know a few people who have them and they have wonderful tempermants)- Slovensky Kuvac.- Estrela Mountain Dog.- Boxer.- Rottweiler.- Central Asian Sheepdog.- Akbash Dog.I think any breed of dog large dog is gorgeous, they ones I listed are just some of my favourites.

    • Im so biased...but here goes anyway....start reading up on any of the herding breed....border collies are one of my top favorites...collies are long hair...but excellent....australian sheperds ....great I said Im partial to the herding breed....any one of them are excellent for your activities..

    • First of all research is the most important, then get a breed you can spell...those here who recommend German Shepherds can't begin to have a clue about the breed if they can't spell it. A herding breed may get you in trouble in a horse barn unless you have 100% verbal control over the dog. Not a place for a untrained dog!I would suggest you look at the AKC website and research the many large breeds out there. There is a ton of information on dog breeds and characteristics. It's better to learn all you can before you commit to any specific breed that may not be suitable to your

    • A retired racing Greyhound sounds ideal for you and your lifestyle!There are thousands of these loving hounds that need good homes.Another breed would be the Great Dane, but that may be too large.How about an average Labrador mix? You can always find these types at the shelter. That would seem the ideal match.