What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?

I went to school, and I left my door open and I had some candy on my bed, and I guess my 2 dogs and one of them ate a Hershey's bar. Is she going to be okay? It was a mini Hersheys bar. Would she like die automatically? Or do we need to take her to the…

    What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?

    I went to school, and I left my door open and I had some candy on my bed, and I guess my 2 dogs and one of them ate a Hershey's bar. Is she going to be okay? It was a mini Hersheys bar. Would she like die automatically? Or do we need to take her to the…...
    General Dog Discussions : What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?...

    • What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?

      What happens if your dogs eat chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      I went to school, and I left my door open and I had some candy on my bed, and I guess my 2 dogs and one of them ate a Hershey's bar. Is she going to be okay? It was a mini Hersheys bar. Would she like die automatically? Or do we need to take her to the vet? Their both 2 year old shi tzus. Their birthdays are today so I guess they wanted to be bad.

      What happens if your dogs eat chocolate?

      What happens if your dogs eat chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • My lab has snuck many a chocolate bar without permission in his life, luckily he has never shown any bad effects.It proberly won't affect your dog at all, but if it shows any signs of feeling unwell, take them straight to the vets.

    • your dog will be fine, ignore any warnings you hear, I know how worrying they can be, don't listen to them, my dog, Choco, is a welsh springer spaniel, the poor boy is 14 and last year christmas time, within a month he ate a whole box of celebrations (big tin of chocolates, british thing) a bar of old jamaica bournville(rum dark chocolate) and when he was 3 he ate a whole bounty, coconut chocolate bar, they should be fine :)

    • They'll get the runs, but that's it. They'd need to eat a lot more than that for it to be toxic. Don't blame the dogs for this. When we have dogs, we need to make sure they can't get into things. Put food up.

    • i think they will be fine, they might get sick though so you might want to consider taking them to the vet, Its not the chocolate itself thats bad for dogs its a chemical in it called Theobromine. "Chocolate is made from the fruit (beans) of the cacao tree. Theobromine, a component of chocolate, is a toxic compound in chocolate. Caffeine is also present in chocolate and a toxic component, but in much smaller amounts than Theobromine. Both Theobromine and Caffeine are members of a drug class called Methylxanines."

    • They'll be ok, don't worry! Chocolate is only bad for your dog when they eat a lot. As long as only one candy bar was missing, everything is ok! Try to keep your candy out of reach of the dogs just in case they come into your room again!

    • Dogs cannot eat chocolate. It can literally stop their heart. Highly toxic.You got lucky this time. I would still watch them to ensure they are ok. A call to your vet may be in order also.Suggestion for the future...PUPPY PROOF ENTIRE HOUSE!

    • Given what you say was the size of the Hershey bar, there should be no ill effects felt by your 2 dogs. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs in some quantities, but diluted (milk choc) is not as hazardous, in small quantities. Pure or dark chocolateis what is really dangerous to dogs. Still, don't voluntarily give the dogs milk chocolate just because it's not as harmful.Papaw