Looking for some good resources on training akitas?

I'm hoping someone can point me to a good page online akita training, something free preferably but if you have a suggestion for a book or video that proved invaluable in trainging your dog, thats welcome also. Also if you have any personal expeirience…

    Looking for some good resources on training akitas?

    I'm hoping someone can point me to a good page online akita training, something free preferably but if you have a suggestion for a book or video that proved invaluable in trainging your dog, thats welcome also. Also if you have any personal expeirience…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Looking for some good resources on training akitas?...

    • Looking for some good resources on training akitas?

      Looking for some good resources on training akitas? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm hoping someone can point me to a good page online akita training, something free preferably but if you have a suggestion for a book or video that proved invaluable in trainging your dog, thats welcome also. Also if you have any personal expeirience with training akitas suggestions and tips are most appreciated.thanks!*btw (since im sure it will come up) i do know the responsibilty of having the akita breed and i was raised around balanced akitas and wish to do it,

      Looking for some good resources on training akitas?

      Looking for some good resources on training akitas? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Here is a link for training. They email you training tips. You can also check out your local bookstore and pick up a book specifically written to train Akita's. http://15minutedogtraining.com/o/Akita_.phpI have a 9 month old Male Akita that I have had since he was 8 weeks old. He has the Akita personality down to a T. he is hard headed, stubborn and if he doesn't want to do something, he won't or at least he tries not to anyway. He has a set schedule and rules that he has to follow everyday. Most importantly, you have to make sure that they know that you are the Alpha and not them. They can make great family pets but I don't recommend them for everyone. I am just as hard headed as my Akita if not more so we work well together.

    • If you want to learn what it really takes to transform your dog’s behavior problems,understand and communicate with your dog now,you can visit the site listed below.It provide you with the most popular and easiest dog training Guide.There is the easiest method to make your dog to listen to you in the shortest period of time. Here: http://www.dogstraining.infoGOOD LUCK TO YOU AND YOUR DOG!!!