How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat?

Dakota, my border collie, is a year old and she never gets tired of chasing down my cat. I have plenty of high points and blocked off areas that only my cat, Calypso, can reach, but any time he ventures to the floor my dog chases him. I know Dakota has a…

    How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat?

    Dakota, my border collie, is a year old and she never gets tired of chasing down my cat. I have plenty of high points and blocked off areas that only my cat, Calypso, can reach, but any time he ventures to the floor my dog chases him. I know Dakota has a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat?...

    • How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat?

      How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat? Dog Breed Discussions
      Dakota, my border collie, is a year old and she never gets tired of chasing down my cat. I have plenty of high points and blocked off areas that only my cat, Calypso, can reach, but any time he ventures to the floor my dog chases him. I know Dakota has a natural instinct to heard (i.e. chase what ever is moving), but is there any stopping her? I catch them in stare offs when Calypso is the floor and I distract Dakota by telling her "enough" and getting her involved with something else, she listens then but then the next time the cat is around my dog is ready to chase him again. They never hurt each other, Dakota just wants to play but my Calypso doesn’t. Any suggestions?

      How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat?

      How can I stop my border collie from chasing my cat? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Border Collies are a herding dog with very high prey instinct. It is purely instinct that send them on the chase when a cat (or other small animal, even children) go running. I have a border collie and he can be around cats as long as I am right there to warn him when he gets that look in his eye - the second I look away he is after the cat. Diligent training is your best bet. Make sure your dog listens to you, especially a "leave it" command. Hope that helps!

    • Giggle giggle, that's so cute..............Border Collies are wonderful, the MOST wonderful type of dog. I had a short hair border collie I was trainging for the blind, handicapped. I also had a Shetland, Toy shetland, who basically have the same background.It is withint the instintice nature of a border collie to "herd". It is also within their nature to protect.In order to herd, they dogs appear to chase in order to "herd" the aminmal into a corner to control it....My border did this all the time and when the cats lost, she had them in a corner and that's it. she never hurt them or attempted to . The cats took so much of this that eventually they decided this was a fun game and would "make her chase them". They would try to sneak up on her when she was sleeping too. But the most precious thing was that after a while, the cats would snuggle up to her to sleep and visa versa.I don't really think you can stop her from doing this, just let her know that its not nice and be sure you take the cat and hold it and make sure the dog knows you love them all, including her.....................

    • i have the same problem as you. my 2 collies chase my lil man. there gunna do what they want. the collie will always chase no matter what even if you do get a cow or what ever. if you have enough room try and get another dog so it can play.

    • Our bassett hounds like to chase our cats. They won't chase our cats if they don't run. If you could find a way to keep your cat from running away (which I think is near impossible) One of our cats finally decided to stand up to the dogs and smacked them in the face. They leave him alone now... but they continue to chase our other cat. You could try spraying her with water or by making a lound sharp noise.