How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings?

My energetic and loving border collie howls when the phone rings and we cannot get him to stop, even after we answer the phone and the caller is serenaded with several long heart-rending howls. How do we get him to not howl or to stop when we give a…

    How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings?

    My energetic and loving border collie howls when the phone rings and we cannot get him to stop, even after we answer the phone and the caller is serenaded with several long heart-rending howls. How do we get him to not howl or to stop when we give a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings?...

    • How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings?

      How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings? Dog Breed Discussions
      My energetic and loving border collie howls when the phone rings and we cannot get him to stop, even after we answer the phone and the caller is serenaded with several long heart-rending howls. How do we get him to not howl or to stop when we give a command?

      How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings?

      How do I get my Border Collie to stop howling when the pnone rings? Dog Breed Discussions
    • This could be down right annoying, Border Collies are the smartest breed so this is what I would doHave someone call you and when he starts to howl, don't use his name, elimiate all other distractions but say no, or shhh, or tsss, whatever you want to distract him. Do it again and again until he stops, when he is quiet and phone rings, praise him and give him a treat, he will catch on really quicky.I had a dog scared of the ironing board who would bark, worked for her.Best of luck

    • Perhaps remove him from the room [allow someone else to answer the call] and get him to quiet down. Call the phone intentionally to help with the training and when he does learn to quiet down, award him with treats or praise.

    • 1. Turn the ring tone down if it's a land line, change to a different and/or softer ring tone if it's a cell.If that, in itself, doesn't do it, go on to do this:2. From a different phone line or cell, call the number. If you can hang up and stop the noise *before* the dog reacts, give the dog a high-value treat (associates the sound with something good, rewards the dog for silence, even if it was accidental, when the phone rings). A lick of peanut butter, to goo up his mouth and discourage further barking is nice. Repeat many times. If the dog is so quick to react that you can't give a treat before he starts, let the phone continue ringing. When the dog stops to catch a breath, give a treat and hang up the phone. It's not as good as catching him before he starts, but it still teaches "your silence brings a treat and the bad noise going away."3. Teach an alternate behavior when the phone isn't ringing -- Karen Overall's relaxation protocol teaches dogs to stay calm through many distractions and noises, so a "go to mat" behavior might be possible. When it's well-trained, ask for it and reward it when the phone rings.

    • At the moment your pup thinks that crying and barking gets them out or attention, which it does, which in turn means they can dictate when you give them attention.So you have to ignore which is a process call extinction. What that means is you will have to endure an extinction burst (behaviour will get worse before it gets better) so your collie will be whining/barking pretty loudly for the first week of ignoring before it goes away. Give him something else to do. When the phone rings he gets a kong stuffed with treats for example. He will too busy to even notice you are subtly reinforcing his quiet behaviour.Crying also arises from boredom so see http://www.teachingpuppies.comfor my blog it should help you out :D

    • First, go buy yourself a different telephone with a different sort of ring. Should cost you less than 30 bucks and is the easiert remedy.Or you can go out and kick your dog whenever he howls to distract him from howling or you could just call him and tell him "Quiet!" like I do which works fine from my howler. Only you need to give attention at other times so he does not think he is being rewarded for howling simply because you're out ;there... You may have reinforced his howling already by giving him attention and if he lacks attention this is a reward. I'd also go out and give him attention when he is being good and give him treats for sitting or rolling over so that he doesn't crave attention so badly he feels that howling is the only way to get you to come out and give him company.