How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair?

We have a 4 month old border collie that had to be shaved on his left back leg because he broke it and shaving him suppose to hold the cast better, I've heard that you should never shave a double coated dog, this was the puppy hair not the adult coat, so…

    How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair?

    We have a 4 month old border collie that had to be shaved on his left back leg because he broke it and shaving him suppose to hold the cast better, I've heard that you should never shave a double coated dog, this was the puppy hair not the adult coat, so…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair?...

    • How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair?

      How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have a 4 month old border collie that had to be shaved on his left back leg because he broke it and shaving him suppose to hold the cast better, I've heard that you should never shave a double coated dog, this was the puppy hair not the adult coat, so how long will it take to grow back, and a better question, will it grow back? Will it grow back looking the same?

      How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair?

      How long for a shaved border collie puppy to grow back it's hair? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It will grow back, don't worry. :) His coat will probably be the same as it was before being shaved. Dogs like Husky's with a really thick double coat usually grow back weird after being shaved, but a BC's coat is not as thick and will probably be the same as before shaving.

    • Odds are no that it will grow back the same, A because yes you never shave a double coated breed. B because he is just a puppy. As far as how long for it to grown out this could take a few months..Sorry to hear about your puppy, look at it this way it's just fur and your puppy will okay....