What are some tricks a border collie can learn?

I have a 2 year old border collie. and he knows quite a lot of tricks already. like sit, stay,down,come,roll over, shake, high five, chase tail,hind legs, jump, walk on hind legs, and speak. What are some more tricks i could teach him. hes very smart and…

    What are some tricks a border collie can learn?

    I have a 2 year old border collie. and he knows quite a lot of tricks already. like sit, stay,down,come,roll over, shake, high five, chase tail,hind legs, jump, walk on hind legs, and speak. What are some more tricks i could teach him. hes very smart and…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are some tricks a border collie can learn?...

    • What are some tricks a border collie can learn?

      What are some tricks a border collie can learn? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 2 year old border collie. and he knows quite a lot of tricks already. like sit, stay,down,come,roll over, shake, high five, chase tail,hind legs, jump, walk on hind legs, and speak. What are some more tricks i could teach him. hes very smart and a quick learner.

      What are some tricks a border collie can learn?

      What are some tricks a border collie can learn? Dog Breed Discussions
    • A border collie is so intelligent he's probably taught you some tricks by now! (-:Why not try involving your pet in sports like flyball, Frisbee, or dog agility? You'll both have a great time learning and showing off your skills!

    • You can teach your dog anything!! A Collie is such a smart dog and 2 years old is young enough to where he will take in so much info!!We just taught our terrier how to wave hello! It is the cutest thing! He knows roll over, low crawl, sit, stay, roll over, speak, and lay down. Our trainer said to work with him for 5 minutes at a time in between tv commericals. Always reward him with treats too. We found that he loves this food that comes in a roll at petsmart. We cut it up in little pieces and use it as treats. He cant get enough!!!Good luck with your dog. There is so much you can find online, learning new tricks. http://www.loveyourdog.com/tricks.htmlhttp://www.dinoboy.com.sg/articles/wave.html