How long does it take to housebreak a border collie?

Okay, so its a ten week oold border collie/ australian sheperd mix, how long do you think it'll take to housebreak it.

    How long does it take to housebreak a border collie?

    Okay, so its a ten week oold border collie/ australian sheperd mix, how long do you think it'll take to housebreak it....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How long does it take to housebreak a border collie?...

    • How long does it take to housebreak a border collie?

      How long does it take to housebreak a border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
      Okay, so its a ten week oold border collie/ australian sheperd mix, how long do you think it'll take to housebreak it.

      How long does it take to housebreak a border collie?

      How long does it take to housebreak a border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Consistency matters a great deal to BC. I have one, and although I didn't house break him, he still needs consistency. Because they are such smart dogs, it won't take much before he understands what you want of him. Take him outside every hour, praise him when he goes potty. Give him some good outside time, then take him back in. It really won't take more than a couple of weeks before he should be letting you know he needs to go out - they really are quick learners.Good luck and keep him occupied - they really need something to keep their brains active.

    • It all depends on your method but they are the smartest dogs so he or she should learn fast. If you want to make it go fast you have to do the same thing over and over and over again.