How to make my border collie sleep?

My border collie is very active, it has about 2-3 hrs of offleash exercise every day should i throw in an extra hour before she sleep to tire her out ?

    How to make my border collie sleep?

    My border collie is very active, it has about 2-3 hrs of offleash exercise every day should i throw in an extra hour before she sleep to tire her out ?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to make my border collie sleep?...

    • How to make my border collie sleep?

      How to make my border collie sleep? Dog Breed Discussions
      My border collie is very active, it has about 2-3 hrs of offleash exercise every day should i throw in an extra hour before she sleep to tire her out ?

      How to make my border collie sleep?

      How to make my border collie sleep? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Border Collies require a ton of exercise, since they're one of the most energetic breeds. They need much more than 2-3 hours of off leash exercise. They need a lot more than that. Try over 6 hours.

    • We have a dachshund who is very hyper as well. We usually play fetch with him for 20-40 mintues two hours before bed time and this works for him. After about 30 mintues he just curls up and passes out. Good luck!

    • I would continue with the excercise that should be all it needs, I got my Mini Aussie one of those kongs I fill it up while I'm getting ready for bed, and throw it to her bed. It takes her a while to finish it, and once she is done I'm already in bed and the lights are out so she just goes to bed. If It's during the day, rub your dogs belly and pet for a while until he/she relaxes.

    • Try some mental games to fill in physical gaps...they also need to have a job or they will make their own. They revive themselves and are ready to go another 5-6 hours in a very short time. Ours can do an 8 hour mountain ride, herd the pack, chase the chickens into the pens and still be ready to load up and do it all over again. They will go till they drop so you have to either have lots to do or find them lots to do :)

    • If she isn't sleeping soundly, yes. You also might try feeding her after exercise and just before bedtime (a full tummy means sound sleep for a lot of creatures). If that still doesn't get her to sleep when she should, try some Rescue Remedy to calm her down before bedtime.

    • Border Collies need more than just physical exercise. They need mental stimulation, which can be in the way of training for things like competition obedience, agility or herding. This breed needs a job to do and if you don't challenge them mentally, you'll find it hard to wear them out at all.My BCs are sheep herding dogs, training in agility and obedience for competition level, and they also work for me on the job. My dogs get a LOT every single day. You need to give your dog a job.