What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?

She is a Husky/Lab mix and very well behaved, she just takes everything out the pet door and chews it up.Paper, wallets, shoes, jeans... anything she can chew.

    What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?

    She is a Husky/Lab mix and very well behaved, she just takes everything out the pet door and chews it up.Paper, wallets, shoes, jeans... anything she can chew....
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?...

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    • Check out the Kong series of toys. They have a great lineup. Don't get anything he/she can get pieces off of. When you catch her chewing on something inappropriate, tell her "no" forcefully & replace whatever she is chewing on with one of her own toys.

    • Most puppies and dogs will not chew Kongs or Nylabones because they are too hard, too large or too uncomfortable for soft mouths. They will lick out food from Kongs but that is usually the extent of their interest in them.You can take a heavy canvas toy, wet it and then freeze it if your puppy is having teeth pain. You can also supervise the chewing of large, compressed, rolled rawhide chews which are tough and long lasting even for aggressive chewers. Other rawhides are probably too soft for a bigger dog and can cause problems as they can be chewed off in chunks and swallowed. I always throw away the chews when they are about halfway down.Since everything she is chewing is soft, that is probably her preference. I would avoid the chews like Greenies or Nylabone velvets because they can cause digestive problems.I would also remove everything she can get hold of, give her a toy box and put her chews and toys in there so she knows what she can chew (things in the box) and what she cannot (everything not in the box). Rope toys are good (you can find them for bargain prices at drug stores and discounters) not so much for chewing but for playing tug of war. Some retrievers will chew tennis balls provided they are not fuzzy. No toy or chew works for all dogs so you have to experiment a little and keep an eye out for what she puts in her mouth.