Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog?

I can provide the dogs with what ever they need.And im not a first time owner. ( ive dealt with big dominating dogs.which one?Dont tell me what i need to do or why to pick this one or that. tell me which one YOU think is best.

    Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog?

    I can provide the dogs with what ever they need.And im not a first time owner. ( ive dealt with big dominating dogs.which one?Dont tell me what i need to do or why to pick this one or that. tell me which one YOU think is best....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog?...

    • Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog?

      Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog? Dog Breed Discussions
      I can provide the dogs with what ever they need.And im not a first time owner. ( ive dealt with big dominating dogs.which one?Dont tell me what i need to do or why to pick this one or that. tell me which one YOU think is best.

      Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog?

      Doberman, Lab, Rottweiler, or Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Is this a question? If so, what is the question?Added now that the question is made clear: No one can really tell you what dog is best for you. You need to educate yourself thoroughly on each breed and evaluate it with your lifestyle, expectations, budget, family life. You will want a dog that best matches your needs. Just because you may prefer the looks of one over the others, if that dog needs several hours of heavy exercise each day but you live in an apartment and work 10 hours a day and are too tired to work out with the dog in the evening, then that would be a terrible mis-match. You may even find some other type of dog would actually fit your life better than any of these!!

    • Doberman or rottweiler. If it was me I'd have to choose a Doberman. I have a big male pit bull but I feel I am not physically strong enough to manage a Rottweiler properly. Dobermans are very intelligent, I'm sure I'd enjoy one.

    • It depends on what you're looking for. I personally have always loved Rottweilers, just because of the way that they look. Labs are a lot more common, known for being easy going, easy to find and cheaper as far as buying a puppy goes. Dobermans, they can have health problems like Narcolepsy that they other breeds are really prone to.Honestly, you know your lifestyle best. If you like a hardy, up-for anything dog go with the Lab. If you want a big scary dog go for the Rottweiler, Doberman, or Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. Read up on pesonality traits of each animal, the maintence and exercise requirements for each of them and decide if that's something you want to do/commit to. Talk to other owners, because breed sites often gloss over the less appealing traits.

    • Alpaha Blue Blood Bulldogs might be a little hard to find and pricey. There are breeders around but they are very fussy about who they sell to. You would have to have excellent references, including vet references and have to sign a contract. Actually, any good breeder will require all of these things. You will have to prove that you are worthy of these dogs before you can buy one if the breeder really gives a hoot. On the other hand, you can find the first three by the hundreds in shelters and rescues all over the country. If you have experience with big, strong, dominating dogs, then you would do well to adopt one that really needs someone like that to give them a home. Good luck with whatever you end up with.BTW, one issue I found with several vets when I had Dobies is that von Willebrand’s Disease (sort of like hemophilia) is a common problem and lots of vets wont touch a Dobie who needs surgery (even spaying ) Something to consider.

    • Even though I now own a different breed of dog Rotties are my first love. Did you have a specific purpose in mind for your dog? That may help in deciding.

    • Dobies are the best all the way round. They will watch you and become a part of your personality. It is hard to explain but once you own one you can never go back and be satisfied with anything else. Mine would nurse anything you gave her. If I would ask her to smile she would pull her lips back and give you a big beautiful smile. At night she could stare quietly at me while I was sleeping and wake me up if she needed out. She could also steal the blanket off my bed and cover herself up without waking me. Mostly she slept on the bed with me. They are so obedient. They only have to be told a couple of times and sometimes only once and get it. She had a pet chicken. She got a kick out of if I would dress her up. She would be so proud and prance around. She would go with the kids to the playground and go down the slide. Just fun, fun, fun. I prefer the female Reds. Mmm