Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me?

Live with fiancee, unable to have kids cannot afford adoption of a child. Would like to add to our family looking for a breed that is lazy, generally quiet (I know if not trained properly any dog will bark, we will train it), not yappy I guess like a…

    Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me?

    Live with fiancee, unable to have kids cannot afford adoption of a child. Would like to add to our family looking for a breed that is lazy, generally quiet (I know if not trained properly any dog will bark, we will train it), not yappy I guess like a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me?...

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    • Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me?

      Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me? Dog Breed Discussions
      Live with fiancee, unable to have kids cannot afford adoption of a child. Would like to add to our family looking for a breed that is lazy, generally quiet (I know if not trained properly any dog will bark, we will train it), not yappy I guess like a chihuahua is the word. I want a breed that is very loving. We have narrowed it down to a few. NOTE: Please do not suggest other breeds we have done volumes of research and am only interested in the one's we have narrowed down. Simply asking opinions of these breeds listed1. Alaskan Klee Kai (Toy, or minature. Not standard)2. French Bulldog (I heard they fart a lot, this would be a dealbreaker.)3. Pekingnese (pros, cons?)4. Havanese (pros and cons?)5. Dachshund (pros and cons)

      Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me?

      Which of these dog breeds sounds best for me? Dog Breed Discussions
    • None of the above in my opinion. Get a greyhound, they sound perfect! It is a myth that they are energetic, they would be happy with a quick 20 mins walk, are extremely loving, quiet, good with other animals (if trained to leave), live long and can be rescued from any age!

    • I would suggest a havanese. I have two of them and they are my favorite small dog breed. They are very loving and cuddly. They are very smart and love learning new tricks. They don't shed and they get along with everyone. They are also very quiet. The only bad things about the breed is you have to get them groomed every couple months, (I do that myself so I don't have to pay a groomed. It's very easy and you create more of a bond with your dog) and also it takes some time to potty train them like most small breeds. They seem to not care about what kind of situation they are in. They will be just as happy if you live in a small house with no other dogs, or a large house with a bunch of dogs.

    • Out of those, the Dachshund in my opinion. All the ones I have ever met have been absolute dolls.And yes, dogs with smooshed faces (Brachycephalic) tend to be gassy. The Bulldog and Pekingnese are both Brachycephalic.

    • The french bulldog. They are quiet and quite lazy. Small dogs such as dachshunds are full of energy and constantly are up to something, like most little dogs are. It is not true that they do not fart a lot. I used to have one and she was amazing. She loved to cuddle and sleep almost the whole day!

    • Well typically 3-5 yap. It's a trait that comes with little dogs. I personally would suggest that you get an extra large dog as they actually fit your description well. French Bulldogs do tend to have gas, and Alaskan Kee Kais are normally high energy.

    • Do not get a dog if you are going to use it as a substitute for a baby. Honestly, your criteria make it sound like you do not want or understand the responsibility of a dog. Dachshunds are pretty energetic, so I would not go for one. You say you have done LOADS of research, but I don't see it. I'd say out of the breeds listed, the French bulldog would be a good choice, though they can be a bit gassy. However, for you, I would suggest a cat.