Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them?

are they friendly, disease free, easy to train?

    Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them?

    are they friendly, disease free, easy to train?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them?...

    • Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them?

      Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them? Dog Breed Discussions
      are they friendly, disease free, easy to train?

      Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them?

      Im thinking about getting an alaskan klee kai dog. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them? Dog Breed Discussions
    • A breeder can answer these questions. I've spoken at length with this one in the past, and she is very knowledgeable. She also has a FAQ section on her site:

    • I know two from two different breeders. They are gorgeous active little dogs.I find them similar in temperament to the Miniature American Eskimo. Willing to please - Yes. Active - Yes. They are not for couch potatoes and can be destructive if bored. This will get you to the Alaskan Klee Kai Association of America this is a page written by the developer. breeders often say they are disease free I chat on line with a breeder who has now started to test hers and check into this claim. Her explanation to me was that "they are disease free cuz no-one is testing". She now has a list of pet owners who have experienced slipping patellas, occasional hip dysplasia, liver shunt, Factor VII chryptorchidism and occasional heart troubles. ALL small dogs have these troubles, though, so the breed, overall, is a healthy one.

    • I own an Alaskan Klee Kai, her name is Kai Li, and she is ten weeks old so far from what I have seen with her she is A. incredibly smartB. Really hyper but falls asleep/ settles down every 10 or so minutes to recharge for around an hourC.The cutestet dog everD. Where ever you go people ask what kind of breed is that?E. Most AKKs love to climb and dig, so they should be kept on a leash while out sideF(inal). She is extremely loving, and doesn't bark, she only talks, and its when you put her to bed at night.Some other pluses, about AKKs are they dont become that big, three sizes, toy , miniature, standard. Standard, is only about 20 pounds, not a standard husky. Also for guys out their that are worried about thier manliness (my dad was really worried that I was getting a mouse with fur, and when he heard she was a girl flippped) They are chick magnets.You can all check out her blog.

    • AKK are great dogs. They are the best to train and make great friends. But they are not the greatest with strangers unless you spend alot of time socializing them and if you don't they can become very anti social. The key to these guys is variety in training so they don't get bored. I was reading some of the other answers and was amazed to find myself quoted there. Yes, these guys have some health issues but we all , even humans, do. Good AKK breeders are testing their dogs and giving new owners the results of their tests and they in turn expect you to test your dog when it gets to be about a year old. We are trying like crazy to improve the over all health of the breed and other than those pesky small dog problems that will probably never go away, we are looking to minimize any of those that we can. If you decide to get an AKK talk to every breeder that you can and find out what exactly they test for and what they expect you to test for. And then be prepared to take your dog everywhere so they lose that fear of strangers. Obediences classes are great for that because it teaches them to focus on you. Enjoy!