Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day?

My neighbor just got a 5 week old American Eskimo Spitz dog off of a farm. That farm had her family on it to. Like her mom, dad, and siblings. Why is it that the dog whines like almost all day? Is it because she's homesick? Or do you think she has an…

    Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day?

    My neighbor just got a 5 week old American Eskimo Spitz dog off of a farm. That farm had her family on it to. Like her mom, dad, and siblings. Why is it that the dog whines like almost all day? Is it because she's homesick? Or do you think she has an…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day?...

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    • Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day?

      Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day? Dog Breed Discussions
      My neighbor just got a 5 week old American Eskimo Spitz dog off of a farm. That farm had her family on it to. Like her mom, dad, and siblings. Why is it that the dog whines like almost all day? Is it because she's homesick? Or do you think she has an ache or hurting? And if she's homesick when will she get over it? And they just got this dog on July 10, 2009. [the dog is a girl too].

      Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day?

      Why does my neighbors American Eskimo Spitz whine all day? Dog Breed Discussions
    • No puppy should ever be separated from mom and litter before 8 weeks. No way should they have a 5-week old puppy. In some places, it is illegal to separate a puppy that soon. Expect more problems coming than just the whining. Those last several weeks are critical for socialization. And if you can hear it, I suspect they are leaving alone outside. That is abuse if that is the case given the pups very young age. I would talk to them about it and if nothing changes, report them to animal control. The pup is way too young to be outside alone.

    • this breed is well known for being verbal and whiny....and they may even howl. She is having separation anxiety, just reassure her that your her master and you love her !!

    • Aww, how sad. It sounds to me that she was just to young to be taken from her family, she is just a sad puppy right now. The good news is that she will get over it, she will start connecting to her new family and be a very happy puppy! Good Luck!