Should I get a dog or a cat?

My boyfriend and I live together. We have lived together for 3 years. He has 3 dogs and a cat. I was discussing with him the fact that I want my own animal. Either a dog or a cat. He said he was fine with that. I’ve been trying to decide on the…

    Should I get a dog or a cat?

    My boyfriend and I live together. We have lived together for 3 years. He has 3 dogs and a cat. I was discussing with him the fact that I want my own animal. Either a dog or a cat. He said he was fine with that. I’ve been trying to decide on the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Should I get a dog or a cat?...

    • Should I get a dog or a cat?

      Should I get a dog or a cat? Dog Breed Discussions
      My boyfriend and I live together. We have lived together for 3 years. He has 3 dogs and a cat. I was discussing with him the fact that I want my own animal. Either a dog or a cat. He said he was fine with that. I’ve been trying to decide on the species. I’ve been doing breed selectors for both species. Both of the types of animals I’ve been matched with, are great! I will list them (both cats and dogs) and see which one will work for our situation the best. Then I will research. Don’t worry, I’m 26. I’m not going to be stupid and go out and buy a dog or a cat without knowing anything about it. Here’s the list:Dogs:· Schipperke· Boston Terrier· Cavalier King Charles Spaniel· Norwegian Lundehund· Basenji· American Foxhound· Ocicat (Other Animal Compatibility: Medium)· Singapura (Other Animal Compatibility: High) · Abyssinian (Other Animal Compatibility: High)· Korat (Other Animal Compatibility: Medium)· Snowshoe (Other Animal Compatibility: High) would like one cat, and one dog to look up on, and choose between the two. What do you think?

      Should I get a dog or a cat?

      Should I get a dog or a cat? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogs are a bit more protective than a cat, a dog might be a better choice, but kittens are alot more friendly and adorable, it depends if you want something to protect you or just a fuzzy buddy

    • well first, dogs need a lot more attention than cats, you should walk them almost every day, play with them, etc. Cats are more independent, they tend to like more being left alone. Funny thing is, if you pick them up and cuddle them all the time they tend to stay away from you most of the time, but if you just leave them alone they come to you and jump in your lap, and are more cuddly. i have never actually owned a dog but i wish i could. It really depends on what you prefer. Dog or cat. Of the cats you listed, i like the Ocicat best, then the Snowshoe, but thats just by their coloring. For the dogs, i guess i like the Norwegian lundehund, and maybe the American foxhound, I also know someone who owned a Cavalier king Charles Spaniel. Those are nice too. But again, thats only based on how they look. Good Luck!!!

    • oh my god, get a cat they are so much better!! they dont drool, bark at random things, and you dont have to take them out like every hour! i love all the cats you mentioned but i really like the ocicat, abbyssinian, and snowshoe!!

    • I would choose based on how much time you have for the animals.I owned 2 cats once, and now have a dog with me and a cat staying with another family member.The cats were much easier, despite having various expensive chronic health issues.With the dog, he has to go outside and takes more time to walk, several times a day. Also, he is more costly because while I work, I take him to doggie daycare. It all depends on what you are looking for. I would first decide what species and then look at the breeds. If the animal you get is young, it should adapt okay eventually to the other animals.