This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies?

I don't want to have to make a decision like this, but I couldn't bear the thought of the puppies coming into this world and being miserable if they go to bad homes. They will be kelpie cross cattle dog, and I hate the way the majority of farmers treat…

    This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies?

    I don't want to have to make a decision like this, but I couldn't bear the thought of the puppies coming into this world and being miserable if they go to bad homes. They will be kelpie cross cattle dog, and I hate the way the majority of farmers treat…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies?...

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    • This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies?

      This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
      I don't want to have to make a decision like this, but I couldn't bear the thought of the puppies coming into this world and being miserable if they go to bad homes. They will be kelpie cross cattle dog, and I hate the way the majority of farmers treat working dogs, so I am really worried as this sort of dog will only attract farmers. I will do my best to give them to a great home, but people can seem nice. If I get her desexed, therefore puppies put down, I feel so terrible. I feel cruel. I will have the money in two weeks, so that will make the puppies about 5 weeks old inside her. What's the best thing for the puppies? Anyone else had to make a decision like this?Very suprised at some rude answers from people who think they are holier than thou. Don't judge me when you don't know me. I rescued this dog and she was so abused and starved I was able to desex her as she wasn't strong enough for the operation. A male dog dug his way under the fence and mated with her. I have now got her strong enough and healthy enough to have the operation, but it's too late. Now I am trying to think what's best for the puppies. A farmer wouldn't always want a cross bred dog from a non-breeder, but there is a chance as I live in a farming community. That's where the cattle dog came from in the first place. I think you should direct your sarcasim to someone who actually treats their dogs like shit and abuses them.I should also mention there are some really kind and supportive answers, so thankyou

      This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies?

      This is going to sound horrible sorry. My dog is pregnant. Do I desex her, or let her have the puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Why do you hate how farmers treat dogs? Most farmers rely so heavily on their dogs for their profit that they are treated like members of the family. Besides that, you never know what type of people will want the puppies, or you could give them to a shelter where they will be adopted. Is killing the puppies better than giving them a chance to run and play with a child, or be an asset to a farmer who wants a dog to watch his flock? I don't think so.I also wouldn't be worried about farmers, they have their own breeders and contacts where they get their dogs, chances are they aren't looking for them from you.

    • I know its hard, I had to do this with my dog. There are already enough animals in this world being put to sleep because no one will adopt them. It's a no-brainer for me, unless you KNOW you can find homes for them. I say desex.

    • I've never had too. Everyone I know loves animals. So, if my dog got pregnant, I'd give/sell the puppies to people I knew I could trust.That means I'd let her have the puppies. Besides, you just might find one to be a new member of your family. :)

    • I find your concern about them going to bad homes over living amusing.Let them live. Every creature has it's right to a fair chance and dogs in a lousy home are happy as can be. A cattle dog loves what he does.

    • YOu need to SPAY her. IF you fixed her in the first place, this wouldn't have happened. You are very right to be scared that these dogs can go in bad dogs. Do you know the average is somewhere at 1 out of 6 dogs actually die of natural causes. Thousands of dogs get put down daily because people don't spay and neuter their dogs. You need to screen people who are interested in adopting. Get vet references. Visit their home. Make sure they are commiting a lifetime to the dog. Have them sign a contract if something happens, they give the dog back to you. Find a vet that will spay and neuter the pups at an early age. If you need help from a rescue to place the dogs. Look for a local rescue at

    • give the puppies a chance, the humanie society can help you they are very particular in finding the right home. would you have an abortion? dont abort the pups!

    • Since it's already happened, I say let your dog experience being a mother to her pups, and then get her desexed. You can interview the heck out of potential adoptees, and keep a clear conscience. If you're already feeling the twinge of guilt now...

    • I agree with SYD Guy ... Let her have the Puppies and if you cant find them a good home... Give'em to me.. All things have the right to live... And I love animals to...

    • Wow. This is a hard decision to make. Whatever you do decide, please, please have her spayed afterwards. Unfortunately, there are millions of people in the same boat, what to do with the puppies. I would contact my vet and discuss the situation with him/her and get their professional opinion. Perhaps they could help you place the pups if you decide to let her go full term (63-65 days), or contact your local animal shelter, they will screen applicants before placement,if you surrender the pups to them once they are ready to leave their mother. GOod luck.

    • I think that you should let her have the puppies and just pray for things to work out. It may be hard to find good homes for all the puppies but try to start looking now for them. After your dog has the puppies, get her neutered!Please don't put down the puppies.........

    • The canine gestation period is about 60 days, so around the time you'd be able to spay your dog, she'd be a little over half-way there. I personally wouldn't recommend aborting the puppies at this point, as the pups will not only be fairly far along, but spaying during pregnancy is more dangerous for the mother. There are many rescue groups that would probably be happy to help you find homes, and in reality, the life of some farm dogs isn't so bad. What I WOULD suggest is -- should you allow her to carry to term -- get her spayed as soon as the puppies are weaned to prevent any further unwanted pregnancies.