How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is?

i would have her spayed as soon as you can . it sounds like her previous owner either breed her to much or this happened before with breeding and this why she was abandoned. just love her and give her a good life.

    How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is?

    i would have her spayed as soon as you can . it sounds like her previous owner either breed her to much or this happened before with breeding and this why she was abandoned. just love her and give her a good life....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is?...

    • How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is?

      How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is? Dog Breed Discussions
      i would have her spayed as soon as you can . it sounds like her previous owner either breed her to much or this happened before with breeding and this why she was abandoned. just love her and give her a good life.

      How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is?

      How do I determine how old my female Rottweiler is? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Usually vets can get an approximate age on an animal by viewing their teeth. Checking amount of tarter - and which teeth they do or don't have - and the wear & tear on the canine. Maybe ask anouther vet to look. Oh AND DON'T BREED GEEEESH there are enough homeless animals in the world

    • I have acquired an adult female Rottweiler from a vet. She had been abandoned. The vet said she cannot approximate the age of the dog, does anybody know how I can do this? Vet also did not know if she had been spayed, but she came in estrus, and I had her bred. However, she had only one puppy, and it died shortly after birth. I think this is very unusual for a large breed of dog. Which makes me think she may be old. What are your thoughts?

    • my thoughts are that you are a disgusting , uneducated poor dog owner,,,,, you get a dog from unproven background,,, you breed her, the puppy dies,, etc..... rehome your dog and get a goldfish or something.... this has to be the most ridiculous thing i think i have ever heard!!!!!!