What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning?

My 4 yr old Fox Terrier is up to date on all her meds. We moved from CA to FL about 2 months ago and the last 2 weeks she has been not eating as much. This weeks she wakes up, throws up a little, then doesn't want to eat or drink and is shaking like…

    What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning?

    My 4 yr old Fox Terrier is up to date on all her meds. We moved from CA to FL about 2 months ago and the last 2 weeks she has been not eating as much. This weeks she wakes up, throws up a little, then doesn't want to eat or drink and is shaking like…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning?...

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    • What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning?

      What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning? Dog Breed Discussions
      My 4 yr old Fox Terrier is up to date on all her meds. We moved from CA to FL about 2 months ago and the last 2 weeks she has been not eating as much. This weeks she wakes up, throws up a little, then doesn't want to eat or drink and is shaking like shes freezing. Some days she has diarrhea and others she has bright orange in her poops (which I thought was carrots since we usually chop some up for her dinner but stopped last week). When she lays next to me and I can hear her stomach rumbling. But by mid afternoon she is back to normal, running around hyper, hungry and playful.

      What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning?

      What should I do for my fox terrier who lately throws up a little in the morning? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Take one of those orange stools with you and get her to the vet - pronto. Orange stool can indicate liver disease, as can the throwing up. Sometimes hyper dogs can overcome being sick and look fine for part of the day - but something is definitely developing, and you need to find out now so it can be treated or managed.

    • You should take her to the vet to run some tests because vomit and diarrhea are very general symptoms that appear with tons of diseases/problems...First of all she might need an x ray to explore the case of a stuck foreign body which gives those two symptoms..Second she needs a blood test to see her general condition and her hematological profile at the moment. If the number of the white blood cells or lemphocells are impaired it could be a gastroenteritisNow if the orange color isn't from the carrots then u should not delay the visit to the vet cause orange stool is usually a sign of excess bilirubin which is a yellow bile salt. Could mean liver, pancreas or bile problems all of which are conditions that should be monitored and managed from your vetI wish All the best..!