What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with?

I currently have a 5 year old Australian Terrier, and I'm thinking about getting a puppy in a little less than a month. My terrier has been territorial before when other dogs would come near the yard, but never with puppies. I heard they are fine with…

    What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with?

    I currently have a 5 year old Australian Terrier, and I'm thinking about getting a puppy in a little less than a month. My terrier has been territorial before when other dogs would come near the yard, but never with puppies. I heard they are fine with…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with?...

    • What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with?

      What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with? Dog Breed Discussions
      I currently have a 5 year old Australian Terrier, and I'm thinking about getting a puppy in a little less than a month. My terrier has been territorial before when other dogs would come near the yard, but never with puppies. I heard they are fine with puppies. What kind of small dogs would a terrier be able to live and interact with? I'm leaning towards a beagle or a mut from the humane society.

      What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with?

      What kind of small dogs do terriers interact well with? Dog Breed Discussions
    • My terriers get along with most dogs, large and small, they have both been well socialized. One's a male, one's a female, they have both been altered, one tends to be hyper the other very mellow. If your current dog is somewhat hyper look for a laid back pup or dog. The male is territorial inside the yard but fine out on a leash. If I were to get another dog now with 2 adult terriers I'd probably look for a very laid back older dog. Good Luck.

    • Another terrier is your best bet. Maybe a Terrier mix from the shelter would fit. Dogs tend to get on best with their own kind. I'm not saying that a terrier and, say, a collie won't get along. But, two Terriers, or two collies are easier to "integrate". They play the same way and sort of think alike. Makes it easier.Edit: To yogi, Hi!, good points! I have to point out though, that sight hounds and some scent hounds also kill their prey. (Dachshunds are the only scent hund I can think of).

    • I have to agree with Marit on this one..Generally Terriers do better with Terriers especially if of the same breed. Where in general Terriers can show aggression toward other breeds, when it comes to their own kind outside of the pecking order getting established they will generally bond and are quite sociable with each other. I have been raising Miniature Pinschers for years (yes they are in fact Terriers) and have introduced new ones at different ages to the house over those years and have yet to have a problem. I have brought other breeds in and the tension was quite different with the Miniature Pinschers clearly not quite willing to accept other breeds. I have seen this in other Terriers as well. Keeping in mind that the Terrier group is the only group created for the sole purpose of killing other animals, they have a high energy level that needs to be matched by other dogs and in most cases other breeds cannot match this. Thus the Terrier is still wanting to play where the other gives up. When this happens many times the Terrier can become upset and show aggression. I would try to find another of the same breed.