Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies?

My mothers Boston Terrier female accidentally got out while in heat and was bred by a Pitt Bull. Just want to make sure she can physically give birth to them.

    Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies?

    My mothers Boston Terrier female accidentally got out while in heat and was bred by a Pitt Bull. Just want to make sure she can physically give birth to them....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies?...

    • Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies?

      Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
      My mothers Boston Terrier female accidentally got out while in heat and was bred by a Pitt Bull. Just want to make sure she can physically give birth to them.

      Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies?

      Is it possible for a Boston Terrier to physically give birth to Pitt Bull Puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • How big is the Boston?How big is the Pit Bull?Chances are that she will not be able to birth them, which in that case you will be looking at a Cesarean section, or have the female spayed immediately and abort the puppies to prevent any problems.Time to make a vet appointment.

    • Probably not. My guess would be that she'd definitely need a c-section, and if that's the only problem you run into, you'll be lucky.I would suggest you go ahead and have her spayed and abort the litter (yes, they do that). It would be the safest thing for your dog.

    • First and foremost: do you want the puppies? If you do then you should go to the vets and get a sonogram to see how big the litter is. In the end you will probably have to get a c-section which can be pretty expensive(hence why I asked if you wanted the puppies). If you don't want the puppies you might still have enough time to get your dog spayed which will be less expensive than a c-section~Good Luck

    • Nope, she can't - it will kill her. Why isn't she spayed???? Take her to the vets and have her aborted and spayed. There is no excuse to keep a dog intact. Millions of dogs are euthanized each year because of bad dog owners like your mom.X-Corrup, it's an ultrasound.

    • a lot of boston terriers need C-sections.. odds are good that although nature will ensure the pups are not to large for her from another breed.. physically we have changed boston terriers enough that in a considered "normal" for them to need c-sections even with Boston to boston litters.. this is a breed that often cannot whelp without assistance.. If you really want the pups.. make a appt and disuss the possiblity of needing a c-section with your vet.. and recommended vet care..or you can have her spayed now if she was just bred.. and have no intrest in breeding her in the future.Amanda