What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting?

So I was trying to take care of my little puppy, shes a basset hound. I just fed her and she keeps biting me, my feet, and my shoes. Is this normal?

    What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting?

    So I was trying to take care of my little puppy, shes a basset hound. I just fed her and she keeps biting me, my feet, and my shoes. Is this normal?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting?...

    • What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting?

      What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting? Dog Breed Discussions
      So I was trying to take care of my little puppy, shes a basset hound. I just fed her and she keeps biting me, my feet, and my shoes. Is this normal?

      What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting?

      What happens if basset hound puppies keep biting? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It's definitely normal for a puppy to go through the biting and mouthing phase, and it's something that you will have to have a lot of patience with.If your puppy is teething then I would suggest getting some toys, and dipping them in water, and putting them in the freezer. This will act as a kind of teething ring.You can also use decent size ice cubes. It provides entertainment and a soothing sensation for the puppies gums.When she consistently tries to bite you, you can either redirect her to another toy, while looking closely at her, and saying "NO BITING".Or, you can roll her on her side until she's calm again, and say the same firm "NO BITING".This is what I did with my puppy, and he quickly got over his mouthing phase, although he attempts to do it sometimes, but he knows the command "No biting" now, and quickly realizes what he did wrong.