Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle?

We own a 6 years old beagle. We bath her every week but after a couple of days she smells again I clean her ears on a regular basis but that does not solve the problem. Does anyone have a remedy?

    Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle?

    We own a 6 years old beagle. We bath her every week but after a couple of days she smells again I clean her ears on a regular basis but that does not solve the problem. Does anyone have a remedy?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle?...

    • Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle?

      Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle? Dog Breed Discussions
      We own a 6 years old beagle. We bath her every week but after a couple of days she smells again I clean her ears on a regular basis but that does not solve the problem. Does anyone have a remedy?

      Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle?

      Does anyone know of anything that takes away the smell on a beagle? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Does she have dry skin? Make sure you bathe her with a dog shampoo that has oatmeal in it, that should help to keep her skin and coat soft. Other than that, if she's already on a high-quality food, you could get some dog "cologne" from the pet store.

    • sounds like our Pug, I've always heard beagles, bassetts, pugs and the like have a certain odor...ours smells like Frito's....very strong sometimes, not so much at other times. The vet says it's the oils in their skin that helps condition their coats, which makes sense or "scents" I hope I never have to know life w/o the smell of Bugsy.

    • Her system is struggling to replace the oils that you keep stripping from her coat.Our Beagles get groomed before going to a show. Other than that they MAY get a bath every 6 months or so, and they don't stink.

    • Ok here ya go, ) pick up stinky lil dog, and carry to bath room2) run water, not to hot now3) reach over and get your bottle of shampoo, pour some on and lather4) rinse and repeat5) reach behind you and grab big fluffy towell, dry dog well.6) sniff to see of doggie still smellsNow if ya dont want to do all of this call a groomer to give stinky a bath.

    • I don't know what kind of food you are feeding your beagle but that may be the problem. Go to a good pet supply store, not Petco or Petsmart. Get her on a good quality food. Canidae is an excellent one and reasonably priced. You feed less of it than you would grocery store food. It has no wheat, no fillers. There are also many other good brands of quality food out there. I have a rescue sheltie that smelled awful when we got him. Baths did not help. He was on purina with his former owner. After 3 months on Canidae he was a different dog. Beautiful coat, no more bad breath, good weight. So, try it.You may also want to be sure her anal glands do not need to be expressed. Next time you have her to the vet have them check her. Good luck.

    • My beagle was having the same problem--always smelling. My vet informed me:1) that we should not be washing her so often as her body needs the oils we are removing by washing her. 2) we have to keep her ears clean by using an ear washing system, available at any pet store.3) it could be related to her diet, she needs to be on a healthier diet of DRY food, the cheaper foods are full of fillers that her body is not able to use and passes them as waste.--try a hollistic dog food with no corn fillers, and that includeds protein, veggies, fruit, and usefull carbs such as brown rice or oatmeal as the main ingrediants, the dog will be able to use more of the food and the waste they are producing will be less, causing less odor being released from their body (ever hear of anal retention? similar problem) Food brands such as Blue-free samples available at their website listed below or Nurtro brands.4) and lastly, you have to remember that they are a beagle, they are natural hunters and love to sniff around, they will roll in anything, raccoon and rabbit waste is very smelly and they love that. They have a nose for the 'stink' and want to smell like it for hunting purposes. Try to use a dog safe body spray or hand wipe to manage the smell instead of giving them weekly baths with out conditioning their coat/skin properly.