What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get?

I was looking into getting a beagle, and was curious about the conditions this breed could get.

    What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get?

    I was looking into getting a beagle, and was curious about the conditions this breed could get....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get?...

    • What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get?

      What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get? Dog Breed Discussions
      I was looking into getting a beagle, and was curious about the conditions this breed could get.

      What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get?

      What kind of diseases and problems can a beagle get? Dog Breed Discussions
    • LOTS!AlimentaryBeagle Colic: For detailed cases and description, go here.Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Great information at this linkMegaaesophagus (Esophageal Achalasia): Regurgitation of undigested food occurs due to failure of esophageal muscles to force swallowed food through to the stomach. H (undetermined mode) Occurs under 6 months of age. 1Perianal Gland Adenomas: Benign growths in perianal area that may hemorrhage & ulcerate. Dog my excessively lick the area. (H -undetermined mode). First occurs under 9 years of age. 1BehavioralAggressiveness (Excessive): Extremely assertive or forceful with other dogs & people, may attack or bite without reasonable provocation. (H - undetermined mode). First occurs +/- 3 years of age. 1CancerBladder Cancer: For detailed information, go here.Mastosarcoma: Clinically, there may be masses palpable in the skin & subcutaneous tissue. These lesions may ulcerate or spread & metastasize to other parts of the body. There is generally weight loss & lethargy late in the development of this tumor. (H-Polygenetic). First occurs under seven years of age. 1Endocrine SystemHypothyroidism (Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Hashimoto's Disease, Lymphcytic Thyroiditis): Destruction of the thyroid gland due to an attack from the animal's own immune system. Causes rough, scaly skin; hair loss and weight gain, especially in later stages of the condition. (H-Probably incomplete dominant). First occurs under 2 years of age. 1 90% of cases are autoimmune thyroiditis, the remaining 10% have thyroid atrophy of unknown causes. Sometimes a temporary thyroid problem exists in relation to other disease or secondarily to use of a drug that has been given. Most common early symptoms are unexplained weight gain, dry coat, skin infections, flea, food allergies, smelly ears and chronic ear infections, infertility and dry-eye syndrome. Thyroid deficiency also plays a role in many of the immune-mediated blood diseases and increases the incidence of Von Willebrands disease. 2 As can be seen, the thyroid function is directly related to many aspects of the immune system and the rest of the endocrine system. For more information on this condition go here.Hearing & BalanceDeafness: Inability to hear may be unilateral or bilateral. Piebald or Extreme Piebald Gene Deafness, first occurring under 3 months,( H - Recessive or undetermined mode) 1Vestibular Disease: Head tilt, loss of balance, circling, rolling & staggering gait. (H- Recessive). First occurs under 3 months. This is not the same as the vestibular disease that occurs in elderly dogs. 1Hemopoietic & Lymphatic Systems Factor VII Deficiency: A missing component in the blood causing slow coagulation. you may see mild subcutaneous bleeding (bruising). (H - Incomplete Dominant). First occurs at birth. 1. Usually no reason for concern even during surgeries. Does not require a prior blood transfusion. For more information, click here.Heart & Vascular SystemDilated Cardiomyopophay (DCM): Clinical signs include dyspnea, exercise intolerance, syncope, cough, anorexia, weight loss & lethargy. Heart sounds are muffled. (H- Undetermined mode). Can first occur before or after 6 years of age. 1Pulmonic Stenosis (PS): Narrowing of the pulmoric artery where it attaches to the heart, causing murmurs & enlargement of the right side of the heart. (H-Polygenetic mode). First occurs under 1 year of age. 1Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD): A hole in the heart wall that divides the right and left sides, causing poor circulation & possible death. (H-Polygenetic mode). Occurs at birth. 1Immune SystemAllergies: Are usually related to a problem with the Immune system. Click here for an excellent articleDemodicosis (Demodetic Mange): A localized Demodex infection that usually results in a mild erythema & may develop into some form of alopecia (hair loss). Pruitus may or may not be present. These are most commonly seen on the face and usually there is spontaneous recovery within 6-8 weeks. This is not considered to be hereditary. A generalized demodicosis usually develops as a chronic dermatitis with crusting, scaling & hyperpigmentation. There may be intense pruitis and a secondary pyoderma. Folliculitis, cellulitis, furnunculosis & seborrhea may occur. A susceptibility & predisposition to Demodex canis is thought to be based on a a T-cell disturbance. Generalized Demodicosis is considered to be inherited. (U) Occurs under one year. 1Polygenicarteritis Nodosa (Beagle Pain Syndrome, Neck Pain Syndrome, Canine Pain Syndrome, Meningitis-Vasculitis, Steroid-Responsive Meningitis-Arteritis, SRMA): Immune mediated vascular lesions in the menial & coronary arteries lead to typical neuralgic & cardiac signs, such as chronic fever, anorexia, stiff neck & para- or tetraplegia. (H-Undetermined mode). Can first occur under 2 years of age. 1 See this link for more de

    • Beagles may be prone to epilepsy, but this can be controlled with medication. Hypothyroidism and a number of types of dwarfism occur in Beagles. Two conditions in particular are unique to the breed: Funny Puppy, in which the puppy is slow to develop and eventually develops weak legs, a crooked back and although normally healthy, is prone to a range of illnesses; Hip dysplasia, common in Harriers and in some larger breeds, is rarely considered a problem in Beagles. Beagles are considered a chondrodystrophic breed, meaning that they are prone to types of disk diseases. Weight gain can be a problem in older or sedentary dogs, which in turn can lead to heart and joint problems.In rare cases, Beagles may develop immune mediated polygenic arthritis (where the immune system attacks the joints) even at a young age. The symptoms can sometimes be relieved by steroid treatments. Their long floppy ears can mean that the inner ear does not receive a substantial air flow or that moist air becomes trapped, and this can lead to ear infections. Beagles may also be affected by a range of eye problems; two common ophthalmic conditions in Beagles are glaucoma and corneal dystrophy."Cherry eye", a prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid, and distichiasis, a condition in which eyelashes grow into the eye causing irritation, sometimes exist; both these conditions can be corrected with surgery.They can suffer from several types of retinal atrophy. Failure of the nasolacrimal drainage system can cause dry eye or leakage of tears onto the face. As field dogs they are prone to minor injuries such as cuts and sprains, and, if inactive, obesity is a common problem as they will eat whenever food is available and rely on their owners to regulate their weight. When working or running free they are also likely to pick up parasites such as fleas, ticks, harvest mites and tapeworms, and irritants such as grass seeds can become trapped in their eyes, soft ears or paws.Beagles may exhibit a behaviour known as reverse sneezing, in which they sound as if they are choking or gasping for breath, but are actually drawing air in through the mouth and nose. The exact cause of this behaviour is not known, but it is not harmful to the dog.

    • Yeast and bacteria infections in the ears (because they are so low to the ground they also get extremely dirty and you have to clean them every few days)

    • Beagles are a very healthy breed and usually live for twelve to fifteen years. There are some common health problems you should watch out for though. Because of their long, floppy ears, air cannot reach their ear canal causing moisture to sometimes build up. Try to keep water out of their ears so they don't get ear infections. You should also check and clean the ears regularly.Another problem to watch out for is distichiasis, which occurs when their eyelashes grow into their eyes. If this happens, surgery is often required to remove their eyelashes.Obesity is another problem with this breed. Be sure you don't overfeed this dog. You should be able to feel their ribs. If they gain too much weight, this can lead to heart trouble or hip dysplasia. Make sure they get enough exercise too.Beagle Health - http://www.dog-pound.net/beagle/thoughts-before-you-buy-a-beagle.htm