What size crate should I buy for my beagle?

My beagle Katie is getting close to full grown and her current crate is a bit small, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on crate sizes for a mature Beagle.

    What size crate should I buy for my beagle?

    My beagle Katie is getting close to full grown and her current crate is a bit small, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on crate sizes for a mature Beagle....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What size crate should I buy for my beagle?...

    • What size crate should I buy for my beagle?

      What size crate should I buy for my beagle? Dog Breed Discussions
      My beagle Katie is getting close to full grown and her current crate is a bit small, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on crate sizes for a mature Beagle.

      What size crate should I buy for my beagle?

      What size crate should I buy for my beagle? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There needs to be just enough room for her to turn around and lay down otherwise she'll poop and pee in her bed if there's too much room. So if the kennel is just big enough for her to turn around and lay down then it's the right size.

    • Your dog should be able to stand up, turn around and lay on there side with there legs stretched out. I do not know dimensions, but these things are required.

    • A crate for sleeping should be large enough for them to make a complete 360 degree turn standing up. It doesn't need to be any larger than that. If it's a crate for keeping her in during the day, you may want to give her more room, but only if she is already housetrained. You don't want to give them so much room in their crate, that they can set up a "sleeping" area and a "potty" area.

    • Usually a #200 Varikennel is perfect, unless she's especially large for her breed or has to spend a lot of time in it - then get a #300. That's about 28" x 22" x 20" high. The plastic vari-kennels are much safer than a wire cage. The dog can't break out and is much better protected when traveling in a vehicle. They are also airline approved.I've ordered from this company many times - Omaha Vaccine company. This is a link to the crate I'm talking about...http://www.petsuppliesdelivered.com/single_product_display.cfm?id=12106&

    • If you go the next size up that should be fine. I had a beagle when I was younger, at home, and he had to be kept in a cate nothing else would hold him. He was HUGE on hunting and damn good too if I say so myself. But it is right you should only get one where they can turn around and lay down comfortably. We had one a little larger for ours, so that when we were gone we would place his toys and cow nuckle in for him so he wouldn't get board. We never had a problem with him going potty he was in there not to be housebroken but so he wouldn't chew the house apart while we were gone. His sniffer was always going, looking for something. The crate kept him confined and our house neat. If he is already house broken, then I would do whatever size you think he will be comfortable in and you have room for.

    • dogs love open creates cause it is a place they can go and not be brothrered like in the wild they had dens!you need one about 2 feet high!3 feet long ,and 2 feet across!ya u dont want them to potty in it but what if they really have to go let there be a little extra space in case they do so they wont have to sleep it's own pee!

    • Look on the box the crate comes in. It tells which breed it is made for. If you need help, go to Petsmart & ask. The one I shop at, has the most helpful, friendly staff around.