How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy?

I have been waiting to get a beagle puppy for a while, and my parents said that I could, but I think that they have changed their mind about it, not sure though, and now they want to get a chihuahua. How can I convince them to let me get a beagle?

    How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy?

    I have been waiting to get a beagle puppy for a while, and my parents said that I could, but I think that they have changed their mind about it, not sure though, and now they want to get a chihuahua. How can I convince them to let me get a beagle?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy?...

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    • How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy?

      How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have been waiting to get a beagle puppy for a while, and my parents said that I could, but I think that they have changed their mind about it, not sure though, and now they want to get a chihuahua. How can I convince them to let me get a beagle?

      How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy?

      How can I convince my parents to let me get a beagle puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Whoever is paying for the dog and it's care, as well as whoever will be the primary caregiver, has final say in what kind of dog comes into the home. YOU will also be going away to college at some point, and they will have at least a full year of having to care for the dog - maybe a high energy breed is not something they feel they can handle alone. Or at all.The only advice i can give is make a list of pros and cons of each breed and present the list to mom and dad. Be HONEST - they won't like it if they find out you're fudging up some of the pros/cons to con them into making YOUR choice, and getting a dog based on misconceptions is a good way to ensure the dog will end up in a shelter. Then wait. Bugging them won't help a thing and will make them even more annoyed - it may even make them change their mind completely.Their home, their money, their choice. Period.

    • Try to show them the bad things of the chihuahua and the good things of the beagle.GOOD THINGS OF BEAGLES-Nice and affectionate, they don't eat much, easy to walk/ can go for walks, nice with other dogs,etc.BAD THINGS OF CHIHUAHUA-Always howl if you're not in the room, nearly impossible to train to use the bathroom outside, they ALWAYS need attention, and their legs could be easily broken by accidentI hope this helps! :)

    • First off, congrats on your parents wanting to get a dog at all in the first place. Before I even start off, keep in mind that every breed has it's own traits and tendencies, and if you want to convince them to get a beagle instead of a chihuahua, then you need to do your research. site is very resourceful, and talks about traits, grooming, exercise, and so on. I'd look into the pros and cons of each breed, then make a list of the two, and tell your parents that you've researched the two types, and that you overall prefer one breed over the other.Do not ever choose a breed solely on looks. Dogs have many, many uses. Some use to be used as hunting, or herding dogs. If you want, go ahead and look into other breeds as well. Good luck!

    • Explain to them the differences in personality these two dogs have, making the beagle sound better than the chihuahua. Beagles are very loyal dogs, great with children and other dogs, and, if socialized early, great with cats and other pets as well. Beagles are also easily trained, and do not try to take full control of the house. The chihuahua is difficult to train, and may require a lot of extra work to get it housebroken and to learn other behaviors. Chihuahua's are a jealous breed and do not like it when strangers are around. They are also known to snap at young children. They can be very aggressive, and will try to take full control of the house.