When did you get your next dog?

My family is putting my dog to sleep in the next month, and i was wondering when you or anyone you know got their next dog. A couple months, maybe? Thanks.

    When did you get your next dog?

    My family is putting my dog to sleep in the next month, and i was wondering when you or anyone you know got their next dog. A couple months, maybe? Thanks....
    Dog Breed Discussions : When did you get your next dog?...

    • When did you get your next dog?

      When did you get your next dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      My family is putting my dog to sleep in the next month, and i was wondering when you or anyone you know got their next dog. A couple months, maybe? Thanks.

      When did you get your next dog?

      When did you get your next dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • i had never even gotten a dog...but you should wait a few months before getting another one becuz if i was in this situation and i got another dog i will feel pain as the new dog reminds me of the old one

    • Well this never happened to me but it did to my grandfather he had 2 afghan hounds and they were show dogs they died at the age of 12 both. 1st went Missy because of kidney cancer then went Linda because she missed Missy so much she didn't eat or play anymore she would just stare at Missy's favorite spot which was her bed!! M grandfather waited 4 months to get the next dog because if he had gotten the new dog earlier he might have compared Missy and Linda with the new 2 Great Danes Alexis and Billy. I suggests a 3 to 4 month wait and I'm so so sorry for the loss i know it can be painful to lose a friend!

    • I would suggest waiting a few months. I lost two dogs in one year and it took a couple months for my family and I to welcome a new dog in our midst. We also did not want to pick the first dog we saw after the deaths of our other two so we waited.

    • I wouldn't get one right away. If the dog is being put to sleep because of a contagious disease i would make sure every thing is disinfected before i got a new dog.If i isn't being put to sleep because of a disease i would still wait awhile.It seems that you had a Wonderful time with your dog.When you do get another dog make sure you research for the right one so you'll have another dog as long as you had this one. But for now enjoy the time you still have with this dog.

    • I work with an adoption group and we recommend waiting a few months. You need some time to mourn the loss of your pet. Also, if you wait, you won't be quite so disappointed if the new dog doesn't do things exactly like the old one did. Your new dog will have his/her own special personality, and you need to love him/her for that.

    • It's different for each person. My grandma got a new dog the next day while my parents waited seven months. If you feel comfortable getting a new dog right away, do so. It may help with the grieving. But if you have any doubts, wait.