what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping?

I have just bought my 3rd english mastiff puppy and 1 of his testes hasnt dropped yet. He is 15 weeks old, I know they are slower to mature than other dogs, but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this problem.

    what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping?

    I have just bought my 3rd english mastiff puppy and 1 of his testes hasnt dropped yet. He is 15 weeks old, I know they are slower to mature than other dogs, but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this problem....
    Dog Breed Discussions : what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping?...

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    • what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping?

      what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have just bought my 3rd english mastiff puppy and 1 of his testes hasnt dropped yet. He is 15 weeks old, I know they are slower to mature than other dogs, but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this problem.

      what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping?

      what are the chances of my puppies testes dropping? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Well I've not experienced it in a Mastiff, but my fiance has with his terrier a few years ago. Its called undescended, and the testi is there, it just hasn't dropped yet. If you're going to get him neutered it may be more costly to do since the vet will actually have to open him up to get to it, but please don't let that deter you from neutering. Pet over-population is out of control, and I hope you'll be a responsible pet owner. Also, next time consider going to a shelter to adopt. There are more large breed dogs in shelters than small since they're harder to find homes for. At least LOOK at the shelters first, you may be surprised at the selection of pure-breed dogs that they have.

    • I have a male mastiff. We waited over a year and his didn't drop. My vet said there was not harm in waiting as they prefer to leave gaint breeds until at least a year old prior to castration but the vet and breeder said if they were not dropped by 4 months or so it is almost unheard of for them to drop later. If your guy has had any urine tract infections then the chances are almost nil. Check if you can feel it in his groin if so then castration is not too much trouble, if they have to open up the abdomen then it a more invasive op and costs a lot more too.