Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???
My dog is an Airedale Terrier ( the king of terriers) and whenever i'm walking him and we stop to take a little break he will just start like breathing out loug or something and he makes this annoying sound and it just kills me!!
Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???
My dog is an Airedale Terrier ( the king of terriers) and whenever i'm walking him and we stop to take a little break he will just start like breathing out loug or something and he makes this annoying sound and it just kills me!!... Dog Breed Discussions : Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???...
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Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???
Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???Dog Breed Discussions
My dog is an Airedale Terrier ( the king of terriers) and whenever i'm walking him and we stop to take a little break he will just start like breathing out loug or something and he makes this annoying sound and it just kills me!!
Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???
Why do dogs make a huffy puffy sound while like just standing there doing nothing???Dog Breed Discussions
Dogs, unlike humans, do not have pores in their skin. The purpose of pores in humans allows for water to seep up through the flesh and remain on the skin - or sweat. The sweat cools your body in two ways: 1 - as the water comes up through the skin it is warm or hot - thus transporting heat from the insides of the body. 2 - when the sweat piles up on the surface of your skin it begins to cool your body when air hits it - this means that humans are both air and water cooled - better than your new laptop!Dogs, on the other hand, do not have pores. Therefore, when they make those huffy-puffy sounds (it's called panting) they are cooling their bodies off. Through panting dogs expell their body heat through the air that they breathe out and cool their body off with the cool air that they breathe in. They can also cool off by drinking cool water - or jumping in water. So, don't be annoyed by your dog's panting - it is perfectly normal.Pigs, in a similar fashion, also do not have pores. That's why they hang around in the mud (called mires) to keep cool.